Well, the gauntlet has been thrown down! As I prepare for my 1,000 pound challenge (500 square feet, 1,000 pounds of produce, 1 year), a writer friend of mine, Brad Sylvester, has chosen to take on the challenge too! Brad lives on a 5 acre parcel in New Hampshire and is no stranger to vegetable gardening. He will be trying to coax the same 2 pounds per square foot from his garden as I will be doing with mine. You can see Brad's challenge progress over at his Living With the Land blog.
We both have advantages and challenges:
Team Brad
~ Challenge: short growing season (around 120 frost free days) limits what he grow on either end of the summer season
~ Advantage: Brad's garden is mature which means the soil has been conditioned for years
Team Angie
~ Challenge: July and August are so hot in coastal Georgia that few veggies will grow
~ Challenge: brand new tilled bed that will have to be amended from scratch
~Advantage: with only a few light frosts in January and February, I can grow year round
Join us on our blogs throughout the year to keep up with our experiences and to see the growing tally of harvested produce. While both Brad and I love the concept of a good old fashioned north versus south challenge, the main goal is to see how much food we can put on our families' tables with a small garden plot. We'll share with our our successes and failures and, hopefully, inspire you to take shovel to soil and start growing your own food. Game on!
Piggy Banks to Paychecks
Good morning, all! Today, I'm going to publish an excerpt from my new book,
Piggy Banks to Paychecks: Helping Kids Understand the Value of a Dollar.
13 years ago