We've had bright sunny days around here lately- perfect for hauling out the solar cooker and baking some bread.
I've tried a lot of solar cookers and this Sport is my favorite. It came with the graniteware pots (they have lids too) that fit perfectly inside. It's not heavy at all and can easily be taken to a picnic or the beach.
On this day, I made a rye bread and an Italian garlic and herb bread. Because I make bread often, I cheat a little with most loaves. I let my breadmakers (yes, I have two of them!) mix the dough and perform the first rise. Then I give it a knead and set it into the pans, which have been warmed in the solar oven. Bread dough hates the cold! Then I put the lid on the oven and let the loaves do a final rise as the oven heats up and then bake. The dough is pictured above right after it was placed in the pans.
The day was cloudier than I expected so there were more fluctuations in temperature than I would have liked. Nonetheless, after 2 hours, the bread was light and fluffy and fully baked. Had I known it was going to be a bit cloudy, I would have put the reflectors on the oven to concentrate the sun's rays and raise the oven temperature. Today is going to be another beautiful day outside so I may make a Moroccan stew and some cous cous.
If you don't have a solar cooker, consider getting one. It's another alternative if the electricity goes off and it's perfect for beaches and parks that don't allow cooking fires.
Piggy Banks to Paychecks
Good morning, all! Today, I'm going to publish an excerpt from my new book,
Piggy Banks to Paychecks: Helping Kids Understand the Value of a Dollar.
13 years ago
My recent bread-baking has gone well in the kitchen with a 'real' oven, but I don't think I'm ready to tackle anything like this just yet. Love the concept!
My husband and I made a solar oven years ago for my Girl Scout troop. It worked great, but was extremely heavy and hard to transport. I have a home in Phoenix, so I may just have to look into this again. What a fun way to save fuel!
I have always wanted to make a solar oven. Heck I live in the Valley of the Sun I should be using one all the time!
Where did you buy yours?
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